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2016 Arrow Bot

This Robot, Saidor, named after a famous battle during World War II. Our robot was designed to be quick at the low goal and have the ability to climb with a very innovative winch design. This robot took us from skyline, to states in the delta plex, all the way to worlds in St. Louis.


2015 Arrow Bot

The game was Recycle Rush. The robot was made to lift and stack totes, along with the recycling bin to crown the stack of 6.In autonomous (when the robot ran itself according to a program we created) the robot was able to get all three yellow totes (autonomous is only 15 seconds), and then in tele-op (where our drive team controls the robot's actions) we could follow it up with placing three of the needed four yellow totes on the middle ‘step’. After that we could put up two stacks of six totes, complete with the recycling bin and pool noodle.

2014 Arrow Bot

2014’s goal was to launch a large exercise ball into a goal. To launch the ball we had a catapult-like mechanism powered by motors and chains. The drive train was composed of four omni wheels and two traction wheels. This robot brought us to second place at Gull Lake.

2013 Arrow Bot

This year’s goal was to shoot Frisbees and climb a three level pyramid in the end game. To shoot the Frisbees we had a mechanism that composed of a wheel mounted between steel and polycarbonate that would launch the Frisbees out of the robot. To climb the pyramid, there was a hook that connected to the base of the robot. The drive train was composed of 6 traction wheels. This robot brought us to the quarter finals of states!

2012 Arrow Bot

The game for 2012 was Rebound Rumble and it consisted of shooting basketballs into a basket and then balance on a bridge in the middle of the field in the last 30 seconds of the match. We won the Traverse City District with 4003 from Allendale and 3509 from Nilas Michigan. We also won the Engineering Excellence award, then Quality Award at the West Michigan District competition, finally we ended our season at the Michigan State Championship. This year’s robot consisted of a 4 wheel drive, a conveyor belt, a roller to pick up the basket balls, a mechanism to lower the bridge.

2011 Arrow Bot

2011’s goal was to place inflatable’s on a scoring rack. The main drive wheels are in the center of the frame and the omni-directional wheels are on the front and back. Our arm is set up with an acme screw powered by a window motor to control the main pivot and a fisher price motor with a modified gearbox to control the secondary pivot. Our minibot is powered by the two motors that came in the Tetrix kit. The wheels are 5 inch diameter machined aluminum with high friction material. The minibot is elevated on a platform to get it up to the 18 inch limit for deployment. This robot took us to states.

2010 Arrow Bot

2010’s game was Breakaway. The robots had to play a version of soccer and then climb onto an elevated platform. This was our rookie year, in which we were very successful. We were the highest rookie seed in the West Michigan Curie Division, State Championship as well as the winner of Rookie All Star Rookie Award at West Michigan District. We were also finalist at the 2010 West Michigan Robotics Invitational. The robot consisted of kicker to kick the ball, and a fisher price motor for to pull us up on the tower!

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