Red Arrow Robotics is open to any high school and middle school students in the Lowell area. There is no direct cost to students to join the team because it is important to us that anyone can benefit from this educational opportunity. The Red Arrows Robotics Team’s 2020 season cost more than $10,000. This total includes $5000 for season and competition registration and over $5,000 in supplies to build our robot and practice field. When the team qualifies for the State and World Championships an additional $5000 registration fee will be required for each level. The student team members earned $5,000 through their own fundraising efforts and generous sponsors such as yourself contributed nearly the same amount. As we begin the 2022 competition season, the team does not have enough to build a robot, participate in competitions and prepare for next season. We deeply appreciate you taking the me to consider supporting our team as a sponsor by making a tax-free donation to Red Arrow Robotics. Thank you!
The following are suggestions for sponsorship levels. We are happy to explore other opportunities with sponsors. The team would also love to make a presentation to your business or group about robotics and offer a demonstration of what we learn and do together.
Want to sponsor us? All of the sponsorship tiers are listed below. (And you can see them if you click the 'Sponsor us!' button) If you sponsor you'll get your name (and your logo, if you have one) on the website main page!
If you want to sponsor us, push the button below, print out the form, and fill out the last page.
Thank you!

What it would provide:
​• A large portion of event registration for
the Michigan State Championship or
Worlds Championship competitions.
• Purchasing a CNC machine would allow
students to experience building robot
components themselves and save the
team funds by not having to purchase
specially machined parts.
Sponsorship recognition (What you get)
• Exclusive recognition as sponsor of the
team’s pit area during competitions
• Name or logo on robot
• Name or logo on team shirts worn during competitions
• Name listed with the official team name
at all FIRST events
• Logo on the team website
• Logo on the team banner
• Sponsor window cling
What it would provide:​
• Much-needed upgrades to our
programming computer. Students learn
object-oriented programming in C++ to
control the robot during competition.
• An additional sponsorship would allow
the team to purchase another computer
for CAD, used to generate prototypes for
the robot.
• A robot vision system to provide our
students the opportunity to learn cutting
edge technologies and improve robot
Sponsorship recognition (what you get)
• Name or logo on team shirts worn during
• Name listed with the official team name
at all FIRST events
• Logo on the team website
• Logo on the team banner
• Sponsor window cling
What it would provide:
• Purchase an improved robot
microprocessor to maximize student
opportunity and robot capability.
• Digital sensors to improve the
autonomous capabilities of the robot
and challenge our programmers.
• Digital video equipment for participating
in FIRST awards, which require video
submission of community involvement.
These videos are entirely produced,
filmed and edited by students.
Sponsorship recognition (what you get)
• Name or logo on team shirts worn
during competitions
• Logo on the team website
• Logo on the team banner
• Sponsor window cling
What it would provide:
• Benchtop metalworking and
woodworking tools.
• Battery-operated handhold tools to
improve the team’s ability to repair the
robot during competitions.
• Lunches for students during competition
season. Up to 30 students spend the
entire day on Friday and Saturday from
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. or later at competitions.
Sponsorship recognition (what you get)
• Name on the team website
• Logo on the team banner
• Sponsor window cling
Sponsorship Recognition (what you get)
• Name on the team website
• Sponsor window cling
What it would provide:
• Robotics components, including NEO
motors, SparkMax motor controllers
and other materials.
• Supplies to build the practice field
materials to prepare the team for
Sponsorship recognition (what you get)
• Name on the team website
What it would provide:
• Robotics components, including
hardware, fasteners and structural
In addition to these sponsorship levels, the team is happy to accept donations of gift cards to hardware (Ace or other stores) or home improvement stores, such as Menards or Home Depot. These will help us purchase materials to build our robot, or to replicate the competition field for practice. In addition, during build season, we meet every Saturday for the entire day. Any snacks, drinks, or contributions of food will help keep our team fueled and ready to learn and do! Finally, we are always looking for mentors. Adults of nearly any professional experience, but who are willing to show young people how, without doing tasks for them are always welcome. Engineers, programmers and people in the skilled trades are of particular use, of course, but we could also use assistance from marketers, salespersons and anyone willing to lend a hand. Please complete page three and be sure to provide your contact information if you are interested in learning more about becoming a FIRST mentor.