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From Mr. Bryan Forney

We have officially kicked off the 2022 FRCD season and are now preparing for the RAPID REACT game.  If you are interested, check out this year's game at this link.

We had our smallest group for kickoff ever yesterday, but we accomplished a lot.  The chassis for the robot is completely built and we are one software update away from being able to drive it.  The team developed a design strategy for the robot and components teams and team leads have been assigned for each of the primary systems. 

There are still plenty of opportunities to join the team and get involved with the robot this year if you are interested, and we would love to have you come join us if you couldn't make it yesterday.

We will be meeting at the high school on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 to 4 through the first week of March.  We only have one competition scheduled right now at Forest Hills Central from March 3rd to 5th.  All of our build sessions and the competition are on our 2022 calendar, which can add to your calendar by clicking on this link.  Please let me know if you have problems getting this to work.

We hope to see you coming out to as many build sessions as we can.  Many hands make light work, and we need lots of brain power on hand to solve tricky problems.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

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